kymmis > Electronic Claims : EDI Provider |
Electronic Claims
How a Provider becomes a Trading Partner
A Trading Partner has the ability to submit claims electronically. To start the process, simply download the MOVEit Application then email to the EDI Helpdesk.
The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) enrollment includes the following:
- MAP 380 - is a Provider Agreement for Electronic Media Addendum to link a KY Medicaid provider to a trading partner to bill electronically.
- MAP 246 - Is an agreement between Medicaid and Electronic Billing Agency which allows a trading partner to submit claim files on behalf of the provider.
- Trading Partner Agreement - is an agreement between KY Medicaid and the entity desiring to become a Trading Partner with KY Medicaid to submit HIPAA transactions electronically.
- KYMMIS MOVEit Application – the clearinghouse, vendor, or provider completes this application to request submission of electronic claims through an SFTP connection called MOVEit.
EDI Helpdesk contact information:
The EDI Helpdesk can recommend approved Billing Agency or clearinghouse.
The EDI Helpdesk can recommend an approved Software Vendor.